Contrary to
all previous KR designs, the VA 340 is built on the usual
base turned by 90 degrees. The layout of the tubes and
transformer housings is now sideways rather than lengthwise.
The standard KR base of finned and black cast metal with a
stainless steel top plate still measures 53 x 36 cm with a
height of 25 cm, with merely the cooling fins now located on
the short sides. From back to front, you'll encounter the
lunchbox-sized transformer housing for the power supply,
then the twin casings for the output transformers in front
of it and the cages for the output tubes in-between. Other
Antares models like the VA320 sport a very solid, bulky
casing for the output tubes. For the VA340, designer Marek
Gencev chose a more open and playful design of eight black
metal rings each which surround the 300Bs, are stacked on
three long bolts and covered at the top with a round plate.
( audio review)
* All prices featured on are listed in
US Dollars.